The Importance of Values

January 3, 2015 (day 7) We're still in the glow of the "new year"... feeling hopeful and capable.  Many of us are creating vision boards, goals, and new habits to start off the year.   And hopefully we will be successful in keeping our commitments.  One of the factors that can contribute to our success is [...]

By | January 3rd, 2015|2015 BLOG PROMISE|0 Comments

The Power of Sharing

January 2, 2015 (day 6) Why is it so difficult to authentically share our thoughts, feelings or experiences?  For some, it's not that challenging and for others it's near impossible.   For those of us who find it difficult (myself included) it's the ultimate form of making ones self vulnerable -  allowing others to see into [...]

By | January 2nd, 2015|2015 BLOG PROMISE|0 Comments

Inspiration = “Being” on Purpose”

January 1, 2015 (day 5) New Year's Day...  a new beginning, a fresh start, a blank slate!  Exciting and daunting all at once.  Notice as you consider  what you want this year to look like and who you're going to be, doubt begins to arise.  Thoughts like: Really, can I do that? I've tried this [...]

By | January 1st, 2015|2015 BLOG PROMISE|0 Comments


December 31, 2014 (day 4) It's the last day of this year, and how this year has flown by!!  This year marked the start of my 6th decade... or my third 3rd.  And I have to say, there's something both confronting and liberating with this fact.   While we never know when our time is [...]

By | December 31st, 2014|2015 BLOG PROMISE|0 Comments

What’s needed to “Stick to the Plan”?

December 30, 2014 (Day 3) So this exercise (no pun intended) is very interesting.  Walking the dog early this morning, I was deep in thought about keeping this practice of writing everyday viable.  I was struck by my desire to do so and flood of ideas that ensued.   I was also reminded by the power [...]

By | December 30th, 2014|2015 BLOG PROMISE|0 Comments

Reflections.. closing out the year!

December 29, 2014 (day 2) As this year comes to an end, we're often asked to make plans for the New Year with questions like what do you want to accomplish in 2015?  And we give thought to things we want to do and or achieve without much attention to how these goals relate to [...]

By | December 29th, 2014|2015 BLOG PROMISE|0 Comments

Promises…. Why are they so hard to keep?

December 28, 2014 It's  that time of year again.. when we make those New Year resolutions.  Every year with earnest, we recommit to taking actions that we say are important to us. Yet sometime between mid and late January, those promises become faint memories.  I'm reminded of the adage that it takes 21 days to [...]

By | December 28th, 2014|2015 BLOG PROMISE|1 Comment