MP900438386December 28, 2014

It’s  that time of year again.. when we make those New Year resolutions.  Every year with earnest, we recommit to taking actions that we say are important to us. Yet sometime between mid and late January, those promises become faint memories.  I’m reminded of the adage that it takes 21 days to create a habit… and yet we somehow forget that and  the power of homeostasis.  So today, before January 1st, I’m committing to writing a post every day.

Why am I taking on this commitment?  Why is this important to me?  Well a couple of reasons come to mind.

  1. I have said many times that I wanted to write a book.  I’ve even come up with book titles and ideas.  Yet I’ve never written even one page.  I tell my clients that despite our best intentions, it takes hard work, dedication and practice to create a habit.  So I’m taking my own advice and hoping that by developing the discipline of writing something every day that I will eventually write a book.
  2. I’m declaring 2015 to be my year of Discipline, Discovery and Growth… and I know that this will take focus and follow-through.  Discipline to follow-through on promises and commitments; discovery of new ways of thinking that lead to being more open, accepting and grateful and growing beyond by own preconceptions and expectations.  Now that’s a year to play for!!!
  3. My dear cousin has been diagnosed with cancer and is facing a year of chemotherapy and radiation treatments.. and she is writing a blog detailing her experience and journey.  I’ve decided to write daily in support of her.. her courage, her strength, her humor and her humility.  I hope I can honor her by keeping my promise.

So that’s my promise… to write daily, hopefully something both insightful and inspiring.  I look forward to what I learn in this process and what ideas and reflections emerge.