Research has shown that many organizations are challenged with a high level of dissatisfaction in associates’ level of engagement, confidence with the capabilities of their senior management and overall satisfaction.
A little over half of all associates are inspired by their leaders and are proud of their company’s contributions.
What’s often missing for these associates is a clear sense of purpose. When we know the “why” and the “why” articulates the difference the team/organization wants to make for its clients or customers, then we have clarity and agreement about what actions to take.
Moreover, the “why” offers us something to bring forth that is bigger than our own interests resulting in a deeper sense of satisfaction.
Millennials are demanding a clear sense of purpose. They have clearly stated that they want to be part of something that contributes to the world and makes a difference.
Working with organizations to discover their purpose is exciting and challenging work. The process allows for participants to voice their beliefs and assumptions and create a compelling vision of the future.
If you’re interested in creating an environment where everyone can leverage their strengths and capabilities, be recognized for their contributions and celebrate their success, the foundation of that kind of environment is being clear about the team’s purpose.
To find out more, schedule a 30 minute consultation.