In these economic times, it’s not uncommon to find yourself suddenly displaced.
Are you asking yourself “What happened? “Why, me?“
Are you feeling lost, a bit overwhelmed and adrift?
Are you angry with yourself, your previous employer, life itself?
These are all natural emotions when you have dedicated yourself to your career. And now you have the opportunity to declare what’s next…. and yet you’re stuck.
Unfortunately, it may not occur for you as an opportunity, this choice might seem like a weight or a burden.
Transitional career coaching helps you clarify if the path that you’ve been on… is the right one for you, or should you choose a totally new direction.
Choosing what’s next can be frightening.. coaching helps you discover what’s most important to you, clarify your unique talents, skills and capabilities and determine what you want your life to be about.
Consider it’s possible to live the life that you’ve dreamed about. Sometimes all that’s needed is for someone to hear that it’s ok to move in a particular direction.
If you find yourself in this place, contact us for a free consultation.