
Balancing Agendas

January 15, 2015 (day 19) Today, I led a "Strength Finders" session for a small, not-for-profit organization.  What a  fun and interesting way for a team to share their innate talents and unique way of seeing the world.  As folks expressed their particular interests and ways of getting work done, light bulbs sparked.  People learned why others [...]

By | January 15th, 2015|2015 BLOG PROMISE|0 Comments

Caring… Believing in the Potential of Others

January 14, 2015 (day 18) It’s easy to care about people who produce results, do what they say, and are generally “good” people. It’s not so easy when people don’t live up to our expectations or standards.  It’s really hard when we see individuals with potential who act and behave in ways that makes it [...]

By | January 15th, 2015|2015 BLOG PROMISE|0 Comments

The Key to Leadership…. Caring!

January 13, 2015 (day 17) Today, I traveled to Cleveland to hear Bob Chapman, CEO of Barry Wehmiller  - a leader who in my opinion we should all try to emulate.  When you visit Barry Wehmiller's website, which I encourage you to do, you will see their tag line - "Building a Better World Through Business". [...]

By | January 13th, 2015|2015 BLOG PROMISE|0 Comments

Being Committed

January 12, 2015 (day 16) In full disclosure, I didn't write a post yesterday.  I'm not going to make excuses;  I simply didn't sit down and do it.   So what was missing?  What can I learn from my lapse? The first place I look is to examine "what happened"?  As I reflect on the [...]

By | January 12th, 2015|2015 BLOG PROMISE|0 Comments

Choices and Questions

January 10, 2015 (day 14) Every day we have a choice.. a choice of how we will respond to the challenges we face.   What actions will we take?  How will we respond to different opinions or points of view? How will we demonstrate our commitments?  How will we prioritize what we attend to and [...]

By | January 10th, 2015|2015 BLOG PROMISE|0 Comments

Cost of “Figuring it Out”

January 9, 2015 (day 13)   As individuals and as leaders, we believe that it's important to solve the problem and have the "answer".  It makes us feel smart and helpful and we think we're doing a service.  Consider that when we solve the problem, when we provide the answer, we're implicitly saying, "I don't [...]

By | January 9th, 2015|2015 BLOG PROMISE|0 Comments

Being Present.. letting go of what we know (or what we think we know!!)

January 8, 2015 (day 12) Today has been very interesting day.  It's amazing how some days have "themes" to them... it's like the universe has conspired to tell you something.   I had this amazing conversation with a "holistic, systems" thinker who challenged my way of thinking.  He offered a new context for me to [...]

By | January 8th, 2015|2015 BLOG PROMISE|1 Comment

Listening for Possibility

January 7, 2015 (day 11) What does it mean to be "empathetic"?  The dictionary defines empathy as  the intellectual identification with or vicarious experience of feelings, thoughts, or attitudes of another.   In other words, "feeling what the other person is feeling".  Some individuals have this talent.. truly experiencing, literally in their body what another [...]

By | January 7th, 2015|2015 BLOG PROMISE|1 Comment

Transforming Disappointment!!!

January 6, 2015 (Day 9-10) Yesterday I didn't write a post... I thought about it.  I told myself I would do it later.  I even considered writing it after dinner and quickly dashed that idea. And then I gave up.   I was disappointed in myself.   I thought I had failed, I was unable [...]

By | January 6th, 2015|2015 BLOG PROMISE|0 Comments

What is success?

January 4, 2015 (Day 8) Where you stumble, there your treasure lies. Joseph Campbell Interesting quote... it suggests that when we stumble, there's something available for us to learn or see.   Yet, most of us live in the illusion or expectation that we're not suppose to stumble.  And when we do stumble, there's something [...]

By | January 4th, 2015|2015 BLOG PROMISE|2 Comments