Staying on Track!

February 26 (day 59) This morning as I was leaving the gym, a woman stopped me and asked me, "how do you make yourself come every morning". I admitted to her that my habit of going to the gym was well ingrained, and quite honestly might border on a bit of obsessiveness.  That said, I [...]

By | February 26th, 2015|2015 BLOG PROMISE, Creating and sustaining habits|0 Comments


February 23, 2015 (Day 54) As you may recall, I started this writing project as a vehicle to share my ideas and hopefully inspire others to consider new options and possibilities.  I also noted that I wanted to track what it takes to create a "new habit" - one that is worthwhile and important, yet [...]

By | February 23rd, 2015|2015 BLOG PROMISE|9 Comments

Exploring your Purpose takes Courage!

February 12, 2015 (day  31) At this moment I'm at the beach spending time with my Dad, sister and husband and enjoying the beauty and magnificence of my surroundings.  I've also had time to reflect on what's next for me and the contribution I want to be. And as I think about who I am and [...]

By | February 23rd, 2015|2015 BLOG PROMISE|0 Comments


January 30, 2015 (day 30) I just listened to a replay of a mastermind call discussing the state of "ambivalence".  So interesting that many of us perceive "ambivalence" as "being stuck".    When we're being ambivalent, the situation is typically about something that we don't like or want and it feels like we don't know what [...]

By | January 31st, 2015|2015 BLOG PROMISE|0 Comments

Life Happens!!

January 24, 2015 (day 25) Well, I've missed four days.  Life happened - a late night class and a trip to NYC to visit my daughter and granddaughter -all good stuff and interruptions to my progress.  Interestingly, I didn't stop working out... a well-ingrained habit unlike my daily writing that fell victim to the classic [...]

By | January 25th, 2015|2015 BLOG PROMISE|1 Comment

Tune into your Body!

January 20, 2015 (day 24) Everyday we go about our lives thinking that we are consciously choosing our actions.  In reality that couldn't be any further than the truth.  How many times do we find ourselves driving and realize that we arrived at our destination without any memory of how we got there?  Or how [...]

By | January 24th, 2015|2015 BLOG PROMISE|0 Comments

Learning…. A Whole Person Phenomenon

January 19, 2015 (day 23) Over the past five years, I've been studying with Stuart Heller, a systems thinker who integrates psychology, martial arts, mathematics, engineering, and holistic health into his leadership and human development programs.  Among Stuart's specialties is his work in managing change both at the personal and organizational level.  He provides insights [...]

By | January 20th, 2015|2015 BLOG PROMISE|0 Comments

Being Open and Curious

January 18, 2015 (day 22) Leaders often believe that they need to have the answer.  Perhaps it's their belief that they're responsible for solving problems and getting people on board with their answers.  Or, perhaps they believe that their answers and solutions are the "right" ones.  Unfortunately this mindset is a huge barrier to leading [...]

By | January 19th, 2015|2015 BLOG PROMISE|0 Comments

21 Days… Not Quite a Habit!

January 17, 2015 (day 21) Today marks the 21st day of my experiment of writing a daily blog post.   I can say that it's not quite a habit, but it is "top of mind".  Interestingly what arises when I think that I won't honor my promise is guilt.  Could be my Jewish upbringing!!  Or [...]

By | January 17th, 2015|2015 BLOG PROMISE|0 Comments

Embrace your story!

January 16, 2015 (day 20) As you reflect on the challenges of your life, what trips you up?  Where do you stumble?  Most of us struggle when life's events do not match our expectations, which is pretty amusing since life rarely does.  Yet we live in the illusion that somehow if we do everything right, [...]

By | January 16th, 2015|2015 BLOG PROMISE|0 Comments